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Top 5 Reasons Avril Lavigne Sucks!

1. The band on the videos and the tour do not play on her album, they were hired two fit the 'young' sellable image. By The Way, wheres the acoustic guitar player? Wheres the DJ sampler? How about the synth player? The violinist?? Its in the music...listen for it.

2. She was discovered singing country music in Canadian talent contests. Now she claims she's a punk. Something isn't clicking.

3. Manager Antonio "L.A." Reid signed her over two his care from another manager hustling her in New Your at age 16. He then took her from New York to L.A. to developed her into his best sellable pop/rock act ever.

4. Why is ahe always wearing ties, leting her "boxers" show and ride around in her video's on a skateboard? Because she is trying to sell you merch. She already has her ties that you can by from her official website with her "logo" on it.

5. She is vocally assisted! No computer enhancements for her, there is a entirely DIFFERENT person singing on top of her voice for six tracks. Read the albums credits! I don't dream this stuff up.





oh yea , she defiantly does not wear make-up *coug cough*

tehehe she cant even skateboard




Quotes Said By Avril Lasucky

"People like comparing me to Alanis. Sorry, I take baths."
(when avril makes fun of Alanis she deserves to be shot...alot)
"People like Shakira shouldn't have record contracts. She can't even speak English" (Avril cant even talk normal. And atleast Shakira can sing!)
"Pink's kinda like a poser" (hahahaha dream on Avril)
" I'd wear baggy size-32 pants and hoodies. I was a little badass."(oh man, watch out she wears baggy clothes!)
"I never said i was punk"                     
"Im a hardcore skater punk"
(make up your mind you loser!!)
"To write a song, i sit down with my guitar and write whatever is on my mind."
"I write all of my songs with co-writers."
"I play the guitar for most of my songs"
"I only play guitar for like 2 songs on the album"
("speechless" hahahaha)
"I hate makup and shit like that, if you wanna express yourself do it in your music."
(and avril totally doesnt wear eye-liner or cover up!)
 "I could be Britney. I could be BETTER than Britney. And if I were selling my body, I would wear that stuff, but I'm selling my music
(my god! take off avrils tie and 5 pounds od eye liner and she would be britney)



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